10.暗相思 (修改)

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9.風中找安慰 (修改)

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INCOTERMS 2000http://www.i-b-t.net/incoterms.htmlINCOTERMS 2000Chart of ResponsibilityWhen negotiating an international sales contract, both parties need to pay as much attention to the terms of sale as to the sales price. To make it as clear as possible, an international set of trade terms (INCOTERMS) has been adopted by most countries that defines exactly the responsibilities and risks of both the buyer and seller including while the merchandise is in transit. The following chart summarizes the responsibilities of both the buyer and seller for each of the current 13 INCOTERMS. In addition, a definition for each term is included at the bottom of the page.For a more complete description of each of the INCOTERMS, The IBT Guide to INCOTERMS 2000 book published by International Business Training fully and clearly defines each of the new INCOTERMS that became effective January 1, 2000, and includes a number of case studies that demonstrate the use of the different terms in real-life situations. EXWFCAFASFOBCFRCIFCPTCIPDAFDESDEQDDUDDPSERVICESEx WorksFree CarrierFree Alongside ShipFree Onboard VesselCost & FreightCost Insurance & FreightCarriage Paid ToCarriage Insurance Paid ToDelivered At FrontierDelivered Ex ShipDelivered Ex Quay Duty UnpaidDelivered Duty UnpaidDelivered Duty PaidWarehouse StorageSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerWarehouse LaborSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerExport PackingSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerLoading ChargesBuyerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerInland FreightBuyerBuyer/Seller*SellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerTerminal ChargesBuyerBuyerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerForwarder's FeesBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerLoading On VesselBuyerBuyerBuyerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerOcean/Air FreightBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerSellerCharges On Arrival At DestinationBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerSellerSellerBuyerBuyerSellerSellerSellerDuty, Taxes & Customs ClearanceBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerSellerDelivery To DestinationBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerBuyerSellerSeller* There are actually two FCA terms: FCA Seller's Premises where the seller is responsible only for loading the goods and not responsible for inland freight; and FCA Named Place (International Carrier) where the seller is responsible for inland freight. The 13 INCOTERMSOrigin TermsEXW - Ex-Works, named place where shipment is available to the buyer, not loaded.The seller will not contract for any transportation.International Carriage NOT Paid by SellerFCA - Free Carrier, unloaded at the seller's dock OR a named place where shipment is available to the international carrier or agent, not loaded.This term can be used for any mode of transport.FAS - Free Alongside Ship, named ocean port of shipment.Ocean shipments that are NOT containerized.FOB - Free On Board vessel, named ocean port of shipment.This term is used for ocean shipments only where it is important that the goods pass the ship's rail.International Carriage Paid by the SellerCFR - Cost and Freight, Named ocean port of destination.This term is used for ocean shipments that are not containerized.CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight, named ocean port of destination.This term is used for ocean shipments that are not containerized.CPT - Carriage Paid To, named place or port of destination.This term is used for air or ocean containerized and roll-on roll-off shipments.CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid To, named place or port of destination.This term is used for air or ocean containerized and roll-on roll-off shipments.Arrival At Stated DestinationDAF - Delivered At Frontier, named place of destination, by land, not unloaded.This term is used for any mode of transportation but must be delivered by land.DES - Delivered Ex-Ship, named port of destination, not unloaded.This term is used for ocean shipments only.DEQ - Delivered Ex-Quay, named port of destination, unloaded, not cleared.This term is used for ocean shipments only.DDU - Delivered Duty Unpaid, named place of destination, not unloaded, not cleared.This term is used for any mode of transportation.DDP - Delivered Duty Paid, named place of destination, not unloaded, cleared.This term is used for any mode of transportation."INCOTERMS 2000" is one in a series of short articles published by International Business Training, a division of InterMart, Inc. These articles are designed to help businesses and individuals succeed in the global marketplace.For more information about a variety of import and export publications, self-study courses and seminars designed specifically for small and mid-sized companies, visit our web page at www.i-b-t.net.

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蔡伯自煮小吃店蔡伯自煮小吃店02-2668-20790955-917800台北縣三峽鎮紫微路139號右前方300公呎 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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第264次(擎天崗健行伴夕陽及觀星)第264次(擎天崗健行伴夕陽及觀星) 日  期:2010.8.7 (星期六) 集合地點:擎天崗 集合時間:16:50 出發時間:17:00 費用報名:免費,但請先報名 聯  絡 人:蕭金星0926-180767 mvpn33-8753 行  程:擎天崗下車後走環形步道看夕陽、夜間觀看牛郎織女隔銀河相望,夏季星空最有名的天鷹座主星牛郎星、天琴座主星織女星、天鵝座主星天津四,形成最有名的夏季大三角。本日農曆27晚上無月亮光害,月亮天亮才出來。  注意事項:每人請準備一菜晚餐,自備碗筷、飲用水、手電筒,塑膠布或雨衣(躺著看)、望遠鏡,長袖襯衫(晚間有點涼),觀星盤(書店或文具行有售)。 夏季觀星要訣 七言律詩 斗柄南指夏夜來,天蝎人馬緊相挨。順著銀河向北看,天鷹天琴兩邊排。 天鵝飛翔銀河歪,牛郎織女色青白。心宿紅星照南斗,夏夜星空記心懷。 當北斗七星的斗柄向南指的時候就是夏天來了 這時南天就同時出現天蠍座和人馬座(夏天才同時出現) 順著銀河向北看 天鷹座和天琴座排在銀河兩邊 過了天鵝座(主星天津四)銀河歪斜了 牛郎(0.8等星)和織女星(0等星)是很亮的青白色(註:數字越小越亮) 心宿二(天蠍的心臟)在南天發出紅色亮光 夏夜星空記心懷 參考網站: http://www.fg.tp.edu.tw/~earth/learn/lookstar/starsum.htm 天文長度和數量參考: 牛郎星(半徑比太陽大1.5倍)距離我們有16光年,亮度是太陽10倍. 織女星(半徑比太陽大3倍) 距離我們有27光年,亮度是太陽50倍. 天津四(半徑比太陽大1,000倍)距離我們有1,500光年,亮度是太陽60,000倍,他的半徑等於太陽中心到天王星的距離. 心宿二(半徑比太陽大600倍)距離我們有600光年,亮度是太陽6,000倍. 北極星(半徑比太陽大260倍)距離我們有800光年,亮度是太陽2,000倍. 牧夫座大角星(半徑比太陽大24倍) 距離我們有36光年,亮度是太陽110倍是顆紅巨星,溫度比太陽低. 1光年=31,536,000光秒X 300,000公里/光秒(地球7圈半) = 9,460,800,000,000公里 = 約10兆公里.太陽距地球約一億5千萬公里=8.3光分=1AU、水星0.39AU、金星0.72AU、火星1.52AU、木星5.20AU、土星9.54AU、天王星19.22AU、海王星49.24AU. 太陽半徑69萬公里,地球半徑0.63萬公里.(太陽半徑約地球的110倍). 我們的銀河最長直徑10萬光年,厚度1.2萬光年,至少有2億個太陽. 宇宙至少有1千億個銀河,大的銀河有10兆個太陽,小的銀河約有0.5億個太陽. ※太陽真的很多,七星山樣似北斗七星,是外星人曾造訪之地,咱們在旁邊觀星如果看到外星人也別太驚訝喔! .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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295.葛林斯班玩經濟:解讀葛林斯班的經濟影響力      葛林斯班玩經濟:解讀葛林斯班的經濟影響力作者:Nathan R.Coutis 譯者:林家泰分類:財經投資/經濟叢書系列:WIN06出版社:創見文化出版日期:2007/4/27ISBN:9789868292628書籍編號:kk0172296定價:200 元特價 / 特別會員價: 99 元書價若有異動,以出版社實際定價為準 團購數最低為 15 本以上評價數: (請將滑鼠移至星星處進行評價) 目前平均評價: 即日起,購書即送暢銷書《王道:成功3.0》試讀本和試聽CD 目前無網友評價 讀者評價: 文字連結 複製語法 <p><a href="http://www.silkbook.com/book_detail.asp?goods_ser=kk0172296">葛林斯班玩經濟:解讀葛林斯班的經濟影響力</a> 圖片連結 複製語法 <p><a href="http://www.silkbook.com/book_detail.asp?goods_ser=kk0172296"><img src="http://www.silkbook.com/mall_image/bk/kk0172296.jpg" ALT="葛林斯班玩經濟:解讀葛林斯班的經濟影響力" height="120" width="90" class="pic3"></a></p> │  內容簡介 │ 作者介紹 │ 譯者介紹 │ 主題活動 │ 同類書籍 │  │ 

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|| 情報 || AAA2008月曆封面正式釋出 9月開始販賣AAA2008年月曆封面出爐!月曆為B2大小的SIZE,共計七張內頁。可於9/7日開始購買,並附特典海報一張。 【?????仕?】■???:B2 (728×515??)■仕?:7枚綴?■?格:¥2,000(??)※一般販??格:¥2,400(??)■FC特典:B2???????(※??????柄?、???????????) 【FC販?期間】2007年9月7日(金)16:00~2007年10月31日(水)12:00????商品?一般販?日?、2007年9月19日(水)16:00~?予定??????。  9月7日(金)16:00???????、"購入??"????表示??????、AAA Party?員?方?、??????購入????。.

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|| 情報 || 東方神起2008月曆封面正式釋出 9月開始販賣 東方神起2008年月曆封面出爐!月曆為A2大小的SIZE,共計13張內頁。可於9/7日開始購買。【?????仕?】■???:A2 (594×420??)■仕?:13枚綴?■?格:¥2,400(??)※一般販??格:¥2,400(??)■FC特典:CD????????(※???????柄?、???????????)【FC販?期間】2007年9月7日(金)16:00~2007年10月31日(水)12:00????商品?一般販?日?、2007年9月19日(水)16:00~?予定??????。 9月7日(金)16:00???????、"購入??"????表示??????、Bigeast?員?方?、??????購入????。.

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Miss Marc馬克小姐自從Marc Jacobs為Marc by Marc Jacobs創造了Miss Marc這個icon後,Marc by Marc Jacobs這個品牌就越來越受歡迎,因為她的可愛度真的是百分百。今天介紹的這隻傘是這季的早春商品,我原本是想買秋冬款的洋傘,但因為很貴所以我覺得打折一定還有貨,前陣子有空就走進去問打折了沒?沒想到早已銷售一空,真的?假的?真令人難以置信!!既然它這麼暢銷我只好屈服買新品了,這次的主題是拯救鳥類,上面是四隻不同瀕臨絕種的保育鳥類,有白頭翁...其他鳥類因為沒有認真聽,名稱對我來說也很陌生所以記不起來了。很抱歉!下次問到再補上好了!傘的配色非常活潑!我喜歡是因為它的size非常小,傘長只有19公分方便隨身攜帶,下次去曼谷就可以帶著它遮陽了!Miss Marc這個小女生真的很可愛,它的T恤是必買商品我當然也有一件,我的T恤是米白色那件!另外今天也去試坐我想買的椅子,椅子雖然不大但坐起來還蠻舒服的,不過還在考慮中!.

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